Posted by: Heather | June 28, 2009

Pictures on the wedding day:


This is your first warning!

Pictures of close family will be before the ceremony at the church. If you could be there by 9:30 that would be magnificent. If all goes as planned a more formal reminder (via phone call) will happen in the very near future.

Please remind each other of the goings on.

By this time two weeks from now, the craziness will be over.

Pray for good weather!

Posted by: Heather | June 28, 2009

Two weeks to go…

Another week passed. This one was much less eventful. Hopefully most everything is done and ready for the wedding.

This weekend Justin and I have been spending time not focusing on wedding things,  just enjoying each others company. We went to the zoo today and had a great time.(pictures to come hopefully) It was a beautiful day, not too hot with a break from the rain we’ve been getting for the past week.

We also did some moving of Heather’s things to Longmont. I’m not looking forward to commuting, but it will be nice to have someone to come home to and another person in the house so the meals are better (it’s just too much work most of the time to cook good food for one). And Justin is nothing if he is not entertaining.

Enjoy the day!

Posted by: Heather | June 3, 2009

Heather’s summer “vacation”/moving:

After we completed Justin’s move and unpacked most of his boxes the packing materials made it to Denver:



"living room"

"living room"

I took care of some of these packing away some clothes, kitchen stuff and bathroom stuff to move to Longmont. Today is going to be trying to decide what will actually fit in our new kitchen, what goes in the storage closet and what makes it’s way to future generations of college students if they so choose (Kristal/Alyssa).

I’ll be in MN next week & part of the following for those of you who would like to get together before the wedding.

Lunch time!

Posted by: Heather | June 3, 2009

Walking tour of the new aparment:

To your right as you walk in the front door you have the living room.

To your right as you walk in the front door you have the living room.

Through the living room you have the patio. View from the patio (if you can see past the shade trees) you have a little lake and the beautiful mountians.

Through the living room you have the patio. View from the patio (if you can see past the shade trees) you have a little lake and the beautiful mountians.

Exiting the living room and moving down the hall, note the lovely wood(?) floors. The first door on the right is the closet/pantry. On the left we have the water heater & furnace.

Exiting the living room and moving down the hall, note the lovely wood(?) floors. The first door on the right is the closet/pantry. On the left we have the water heater & furnace.

At the end of the hall, on the right there is the second bedroom or what we fondly refer to as Justin's Room. Right now this room holds the computers and guitar. When Heather moves in a bed will be added turning it to a spare bedroom/Justin's Room.

At the end of the hall, on the right there is the second bedroom or what we fondly refer to as Justin's Room. Right now this room holds the computers and guitar. When Heather moves in a bed will be added turning it to Justin's Room/spare bedroom.

At the end of the hall is the main bedroom. (Justin's still unpacking, and we need to get him a dresser.)

At the end of the hall is the main bedroom. (Justin's still unpacking, and we need to get him a dresser.)

Through the main bedroom is the main bath. This bathroom is split, the sink/mirror away from the steamy shower and stinky toilet.

Through the main bedroom is the main bath. This bathroom is split, the sink/mirror away from the steamy shower and stinky toilet.

Through the mirror you can see the walk-in/main closet.

Through the mirror you can see the walk-in/main closet.

This is the other half of the main bathroom. The water pressure in the showers are dangerously high, I'm still working out how to take a shower without getting bruised.

This is the other half of the main bathroom. The water pressure in the showers is dangerously high, I'm still working out how to take a shower without getting bruised.

Exit the main bedroom and to your right you have the second bathroom. Currently the most frequently used because it's closer. On your right you see the closet that can be used for washer/dryer, we're keeping it as a closet for added storage space.

Exit the main bedroom and to your right you have the second bathroom. Currently the most frequently used because it's closer. On your right you see the closet that can be used for washer/dryer, we're keeping it as a closet for added storage space.

Through the hallway and back to the front of the aparment is the kitchen. Note the nice shiney new appliances. Organization is complicated in this room due to the "interesting" engineering that took place with the cabinets.

Through the hallway and back to the front of the aparment is the kitchen. Note the nice shiney new appliances. Organization is complicated in this room due to the "interesting" engineering that took place with the cabinets.

The final stop on our tour is the dining area. One of the reasons we chose this apartment over the other available option was that the floors in this room are not carpet, no fear of spilling things when eating. The table was one of the first things moved in, so I don't think Justin even hit his head on this light fixture. No actual dining has taken place in this room, but the table is a good place to store pretty much any and everything.

The final stop on our tour is the dining area. One of the reasons we chose this apartment over the other available option was that the floors in this room are not carpet, no fear of spilling things when eating. The table was one of the first things moved in, so I don't think Justin even hit his head on this light fixture. No actual dining has taken place in this room, but the table is a good place to store pretty much any and everything.

This concludes our tour today. Questions will be answered as posed. Thank you for your time. Feel free to visit again soon!

Posted by: Heather | May 29, 2009

East Wedding Shower

My wonderful teacher friends joined forces and threw me/us a shower today. Finals finished yesterday with makeup finals today so our schedule was fairly light for the day. Emily, my mentor, friend and the teacher next door to my classroom hosted the party at her house, and her lovely daughter took time out of her last summer before college to help prepare the food. Most of the math department and few select others walked over to her house to share in lunch and pleasantries. The computer ladies provided a delicious cake to finish the lunch and then I got to open presents. Justin had to work so he missed out on all the fun, but pictures were taken and some are provided below for your perusal.

Pat & Peggy (on the left) got the cake. We're lounging with lemonade and iced tea.

Pat & Peggy (on the left) got the cake. We're lounging with lemonade and iced tea.

Gather 'round the food!

Gather 'round the food!



The hostess with the mostest and an all round great person to work with Emily with her helper/daughter.

The hostess with the mostest and an all round great person to work with Emily with her helper/daughter.

Present time :)

Present time 🙂

Good people, good food and a great way to spend a Thursday afternoon when we “should” be at work.

Posted by: Heather | May 26, 2009

Wedding Party: Bridesmaid

mandy & me 2My bridesmaid, Amanda, is pretty much my sister from another mother. Our mothers are twins, you may be able to see the family resemblance.

A day at the zoo!
A day at the zoo!
We learned how beer is made, we watched the cans/boxes go round & round, then we watched the people "testing" the finished product.

We learned how beer is made, we watched the cans/boxes go round & round, then we watched the people "testing" the finished product.

Amanda came to visit me in Denver last summer. We spent some time at the zoo, hiked Horsetooth saw a comedian, and visited Coors brewery.
Top of the mountian
Top of the mountian
Making brownies (calories needed before hiking)
Making brownies (calories needed before hiking)

Amanda is finishing her degree in St. Cloud and is starting to look for a job that will show off her skills. Spare time is spent riding her bike, babysitting, playing board games and Rockband, traveling and scrapbooking.

Posted by: Heather | May 25, 2009

A full weekend

The move has officially concluded. At least for Justin. We filled the van for the second time with boxes and stuff, brought it down to Longmont on Friday night after work. It took a looong time to get there due to a few wrong turns. But we unloaded and went back up to Fort Collins so we would have enough sleep before our moving helpers arrived.

Saturday morning bright and “early” (9:00) one of my teacher friends Janet arrived with her husband in a suburban pulling an amazing trailer. We started to fill the trailer with furniture from Justin’s apartment and then Gabe & James arrived to help us finished the loading and with the jigsaw puzzle that it took to make everything fit. Our final helper arrived just after everything was packed and ready to go. The guys drove down to help unload and Janet w/ the trailer followed Justin & I to the new apartment.  We made quick work unloading the trailer and while we waited for the lasagna to finish cooking the boys set up the most important part of the house (the video games/tv)  and played Little Big Planet for a bit. After we ate the helpers left and Justin & I did a little more unpacking and arranging in the kitchen. Before bedtime Justin had to make sure his computer was online and ready to go.

Even with everything moved out of the old apartment we still had a lot of work to do on Sunday. Justin & I went back up to Fort Collins to clean out the old apartment and get it ready for the officially turning in of the keys. We left around 9:00 this morning took a break for lunch and to buy more cleaning supplies around 2:00 and finally finished the last of the cleaning a little after 6:00. I must say we did a good job (now that Justin has shown me he is capable, he will not be getting out of cleaning the bathroom or the kitchen).

Still a long way to go with the unpacking and making the place livable. Justin is trying to get the wireless to work and has been disappointed by that many times since we got back to the apartment this evening. He’s walking around hrrumphing, it’s vaguely amusing, but mostly I’ll be glad when it’s all set up so we can get back to watching TV via the playstation.

Time for popcorn.     Keep sending in your RSVPs!

Posted by: Heather | May 13, 2009


The invitations should be making their way to your mailboxes if they have not yet arrived. Due to an unfortunate coincidence, the postal service decided to raise the mailing rates the week we sent out the invites. While they should still arrive, but the RSVP envelope is going to need a little extra help getting back to CO. By a little extra help I mean an extra 2cent stamp. Sorry for the inconvenience. Give me a call if you have any questions/comments/concerns.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Posted by: Heather | April 15, 2009

New Apartment in Longmont

Justin’s moving into our new place end of May – I’ll save the picture-taking for move-in day:

Longmont is almost equa-distant from Ft. Collins, Denver, and Estes.  I calculated that I’ll put ~15,000 new miles on The Van next year!

Posted by: Heather | March 26, 2009


It’s about time we got a little white powder on the front range:

Not quite the midwest, but still some snow for Heather

Not quite the midwest, but still some snow for Heather

From 75degrees back down to:

patio furniture covered in snow

patio furniture covered in snow

And guess what happens when it snows in Colorado…schools close early and

Justin works from home.

Justin works from home.

I guess we’re not looking for tuxes today. Time for video games!

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